
Monday, May 27, 2013

Things can change

Remember the patio set I got for free? Well, I continued to look at the new products hoping to find some flooring. And sure enough. Last week on Thursday I was the first one to reserve 1350 sq ft of engineered hickory flooring. Six inch wide planks of natural hickory, random lengths with an average of 3 feet long boards. Very pleased. They do have a stipulation though, only one free product per household. So I had to choose between the floor and the patio set, easy choice for me though. I'm building a house, not decorating my non existing patio at this point. So we are getting more than half of our floors for the house for free! Awesome!! :-)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fler kranar

Nu har vi köpt kökskranarna och beställt duscharna. Så nu behövs det bara kranar till badrummens handfat. Köket hade vi ju egentligen inte behövt köpa redan nu men vi fick riktigt bra pris på Blanco kranar så... Hansgrohe Croma duschar blev det.

Vi har även bestämt oss för färgen på träpanelen till husets exteriör. Hade några färgprover och bestämde oss för Mystery Black. Mer svart än vad Black Coffee var,den var typ mörkt brun.

Inget med bygget att göra...

... men håll med om att jag har en kul nyckelring. :-)

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Huset börjar vara rosa på insidan. Det mesta av taket är kvar att isolera, men nästa vecka någon gång blir han färdig! Lustigt att stiga in i huset och inte höra så mycket från utsidan.

En bild också på kaminen som bara behöver skorsten och beklädnad för att bli färdig.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Can you believe it?

I hardly can. There is this site called that I am a very frequent visitor of. They sell all kinds of floors, tile, mosaic, siding, patio furniture and accessories and more. They recently added this new program called "Find it. Keep it." When they launch new products they give away one set/certain amount of sq.ft.for free. Even free shipping. The product is marked with a purple "Free" banner and if you are the first one to click it you get it for free. The times that they launch new products are random. So for the last 5 weeks I have been checking out their NEW items regularly hoping to get some flooring for free. :)

So on Monday I was scrolling through the new section and saw a patio set of six chairs and a rectangular table marked free. WOW! I thought and clicked it. Sure enough I was the first one to have clicked it, filled out my address information, got a confirmation number and a note saying they would contact me within 72 hours to verify shipping details. Cool. But I couldn't really believe it was true. But yesterday a lady called me to verify my address and told me the set will arrive around June 12. The shipping company will call me 24 hours in advance to arrange somebody to be at our house to recieve the product. I am very excited. I asked her if it really is free or if I'm expected  to do or buy something. No. This is their way of putting their company out there, show their excellent customer service and how easily they can get the products to you. Now I have the confirmation email with shipping details and stuff and I am beyond pumped. :)

My husband just said last week that he wants a new patio set for our new house, our current one is starting to give up. So when I called him and told him "Hey honey, I got us a new patio set for free!" He wasn't dissapointed either.

Patio Furniture - Contemporary Series - 7 Piece Dining Set
If you want this set, you will have to pay builddirect $1299!! :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

El inspektionen gick igenom!

Nu har vi (eller vi och vi...) börjat isolera. El besiktningen, eller vad det nu kallas, gick igenom förra veckan. Nu väntar vi bara att de ska gräva lite och dra stora kabeln till huset så vi får ström också. Skönt. Mannen hoppas bli färdig med isoleringen på måndag. Det är långhelg här till helgen, Victoria day på måndag. Så det blir tre fulla dagar på huset eftersom han alltid är ledig fredagar. Han är rätt nöjd. :-)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Decisions about the exterior are finally made

Last night my husband warned me before heading out to the lot that he wanted me to make up my mind about the exterior. Decision should be made before midnight. So... after kitchen was cleaned up, lunches made, living room picked up, kids in bed with teeth brushed, hands washed and finally sleeping, I sat down to make up my mind. Luckily hubby came home soon and helped out. By the time we were in bed, decision was made and before I had a chance to change my mind in the morning and start saying "well... do you really think...?" he was gone and had placed the order. Smart man.

Most of the house will be clad in wood siding, called maibec em+ v-joint style, in a black stain. We are now waiting for the first sample to arrive to say "yes" or "change it a little". Stained wood has better durability than painted, and since it's pre-stained in a factory the finish has 15 years warranty. That means our oldest one will be 23 when it's time to restain it, I might even be a grandma... Why prefinished? Well, the price difference is so small that it never would be worth it to take the extra time to do it ourselves. Time is money you know, especially when you have a baby on the way.

The garage will be in cultured stone, a mix of two styles, cobble stone and mountain ledge, and three different colours, 50% Wiarton willow, 30% Bronte Bark and 20% charcoal. This is where I'm a little nervous, but the man thinks it will turn out great. Colours are grey, brown, beige and a hint of red/orange. Look at and the second and third picture has the mix of wiarton willow and bronte bark colours. Think a little more grey in it and stone with more variation in style, that is our garage.

Around the entry, the canopies on both front and back and a smaller part of the back of the house will have red cedar siding.

I don't have the sketch of our thoughts on the computer, so you have to use your imagination to see how it will look on the house. Maybe I'll get you one later... I think it will suit the environment with all the trees and rocks around the house. Hope it turns out as nice as we hope to!

Snabbt på svenska. Vi har bestämt fasaden nu. Svartbetsad träpanel på mesta delen av huset, sten på garaget och cedärträ panel runt entrén, överhängen på fram- och baksida och en liten del av baksidan. Lite nervöst att se hur det blir i slutändan. För att få en idé om hur stenen ser ut klicka på länken i texten och kolla främst på bild två och tre i galleriet. Lite mer grå sten i det hela och mer mixade stensorter.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dörrhandtag och kamin

Idag har ytterdörrarna fått handtag och murningen av kaminen påbörjad. Skulle tro att de blir i stort sett färdig med den också. Väldigt kul! Vår stora kille blev kvar med pappa när jag och de andra for hem. Han hjälpar sin pappa att elda upp alla trästumpar och annat brännbart skräp. Han vaktade och fyllde på den lilla elden medan Mannen var hantlangare åt muraren. Viktig kille! :-)